The Serve

Lack of transparency in ‘Natural Flavor’ labeling

Mon, Jan 02, 2023

"Natural flavors" is a term that is often used on food labels to describe the source of the flavor in a product. However, this term can be misleading, as it...

Flipping the Can - What's the deal?

Thu, Dec 08, 2022

It may seem like something completely new to you - why would I ever shake a canned carbonated beverage?  Here's the 411. First off, it ideally is not a shake.  It's...

Volley's Mission

Tue, Dec 06, 2022

Build the cleanest products and work to leave the outdoors in better shape than we found them.-Volley mission statement The idea for Volley was born out of frustration.  We are that...

Tipsy Tennis with Riza Zalameda

Fri, Dec 02, 2022

How did Tipsy Tennis originate?    Riza: "While teaching tennis on Necker Island, I designed my version of tipsy tennis for guests to celebrate their time together and create a...

Frankie + Natalie = Pickle Babes

Mon, Nov 14, 2022

How the @picklebabes came to be:  Natalie and I have been friends since 2018 where they met working together in the bridal industry.  During our time working together we had...

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