The Serve

How Fitness and Nutrition Coach Brooke Menard Finds Balance

Thu, Feb 23, 2023

Hi Volley Fam! My name is Brooke and I'm a full-time Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, and Orangetheory Coach with a huge passion to help people build the best damn version of themselves. I have been coaching for about 5 years now, but my passion for health and fitness stems back to childhood. I have been an athlete all my life from soccer, to swimming, to basketball, to volleyball, and finding pickleball in my mid-20s. Now, I train myself for bodybuilding which is a HUGE goal for me to pursue in 2024 as well as hybrid endurance athlete events like Spartan Races and my upcoming Half Marathon in June this year. My fitness journey has been an adventure to say the least. 

            As a full-time coach and athlete, I care about how I fuel my body and how I recover for my upcoming training. My routines are paramount to my success and how well I perform, Just like all of us, the foods we put in our body, the movement we commit to every day determines how well we perform in our everyday lives. So, don't get me wrong. I enjoy balance in my life. I don't work this hard NOT to enjoy simple pleasures like having a few drinks with friends or getting lit in Vegas *one of my fave places to vacation*.  

            Let me share with you how I find my balance by following my simple & easy routine to balanced drinking. First thing's first, you have to prioritize movement before drinking. Get your workout done, preferably weight lifting or resistance training to improve cognitive function, blood flow for circulation, and set your body up for "afterburn" which indicates that you will continue to burn elevated calories AFTER your workout for up to 36 hours. Second step that's NON-NEGOTIABLE is pre-gaming with protein & veggies. Load up on nutrients that will help your body recover and prevent max hangover symptoms. Along with loading up on nutrients, make sure to consume some electrolytes before and after your drinks to replenish essential minerals that keep you hydrated. Don't forget to drink water. Lastly, make sure to sober up before bed and have another meal that's nutrient-dense *high protein 25-35g and minimally processed foods* so your body can maintain homeostasis and you preserve your ability to recover during sleep! Follow these simple tips to a T and you will find your balance and still enjoy your gains from your hard work in the gym! Be sure to check out my Instagram takeover of @drinkvolley stories on Thursday, Feb 24th, to see a "Day in My Life" of me! 


Learn more about Brooke and her offerings through her Instagram page, @brookemfitness and through the links provided below! 

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